I haven't fully inspected Green Man yet, though he's been around our home for quite some time. I hear his name at least 2 to 3 times a day. I'm not sure how many we have, there could be 1 or 21 Green Man fellers roaming around our place. I see him in photos curled up with the pups. I've seen him flying through the air, hitting the wall and landing face first into the carpet. Trixie and Wilson take turns biting him and carrying him around. I'll walk in the living room and see them biting and shaking him side to side showing no mercy, for what must seem like hours to poor Green Man, only to drop him and finish him off with a thorough tongue bath. Oh I get it, beat the tar out of him, then feel guilty about it afterwards. At least our pups have a sensitive side to them..... Wilson has a routine that involves running to get Green Man prior to any major event. Hold on, I'll be right there, let me find Green Man first.
When Wilson and Trixie break condition #5, Green Man is right there breaking the rule with them. I guess so they can blame HIM for being on the bed. Often times we need to shuffle things around in their bed and when we pick up their little hairy blanket, out pops?.... You guessed it........Green Man. Ya see what I'm saying? Even you expected, that old and matted green thing to be hiding under the blanket. He's everywhere, he's everywhere.....run for your lives!!! ::
..........:::::::::::: NEWS FLASH :::::: Green Man sighting in NJ:::::Chiwawas step in and fight for justice:::::: film at 11::::::::.....
Green Man seems to be everywhere but in the shower....where he really needs to spend some time.
1 comment:
I often wonder...is the green man ACTUALLY a frog? if not, what the heck is that thing??? just some of life's mysteries...
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